Thursday, December 28, 2006

New Superman Update

David Ward has passed along this file link for a 128kbps version of "Superman: The Best Cop in The World". Thanks, David!

Superman: The Best Cop in The World

Let me know if any of the files on the blog aren't working or if you think you have a better one you would like to see linked to!


Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Downloads updated

I have taken the time to re-upload several of the files listed on the blog that were no longer working due to inactivity. These files are 192kbps. I have also started with a new service,

Here are the revised files:

Laurel and Hardy LP
Chiller Thriller Diller
On The Move Movers
Flip-Top-Tip-Top Secrets
Lucky Ducky Buckeroos
Whipper Snapper Snoopers
Super Duper Sleuths
Close & End Theme

Wonder Woman: Prisoner of Christmas Island
Curse of The Werewolf

Robin Meets Man-Bat
Mystery of the Scarecrow's Corpse
Gorilla City
Catwoman's Revenge

Justice League
Plastic Man Song
Metamorpho Song

Five Star Final
Tourist Trap
The Prodigal Sun

The Six Million Dollar Man
The Haiti Connection
Loch Ness Syndrome

The Return of The Conquistador
Mad Hatter of Manhattan
The Abominable Showman

Special Thanks to everyone who wrote emails and notified me that there were several files no longer working. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

threerandot (Shawn)
Power Records Plaza!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Re-uploaded Files

Newly uploaded files that had disappeared. They are being hosted at

Wonder Woman: Prisoner of Christmas Island
The Incredible Hulk At Bay
Plastic Man Song
Metamorpho Song

Shawn (moderator)

Invasion of the Dragon Men Movie

Ryan of Nevada has put together an "Invasion of The Dragon men" movie. I have had a look at this and I must say this is pretty impressive! There has obviously been a lot of work put into this movie and I can only hope that we will see more of these in the future. Check it out at

Invasion of The Dragon Men - Part 1
Invasion of The Dragon Men - Part 2

Special thanks to Ryan of Nevada!

threerandot (Shawn)
Power Records Plaza

Note About Downloading

I have noticed in some of the comments that folks are saying that when they click a link for a file download, all they get is an html page. There is no problem here. That pages is where you actually get the download. On the html page there is a button there for you to click usually something like "download file". Click that button and your download should start.

Another problem that can also occur is from the use of these file hosting services. If a given file is not downloaded at all for a period of 30 days, the file will be deleted from the server. That means that a new file needs to be uploaded and a new link added to the blog for everyone else to be able to download the file.

Please let me know when a file becomes unavailable or if you yourself have uploaded a file and have a link to pass onto the blog.

threeranot, moderator
Power Records Plaza

New Uploads

I just got an email from Ryan of Nevada who has uploaded "A Story of Dracula, the Wolfman and Frankenstein" into two parts.

Part One
Part Two

Thanks to Ryan of Nevada. I also appreciate the messages that people keep dropping in for me. I know that some of the file downloads are not working at present. I will be re-uploading the files later or perhaps after Christmas. At any rate, when they are uploaded, I will let you know about it here!

threerandot, moderator,
Power Records Plaza

Season's Greetings!